Last night, while looking out the back, I noticed movement in a pile of old barn roofing. Peaking closer, I saw it was a mother and her kittens. Robin and I took food out to try and tame them. If successful, I'll clean them up and take them to the humane society. If I took them now they would be determined ferrel, and I'd hate to see them put down. The mom doesn't seem too bad, she actually fell asleep while I was talking to her. The kittens are skiddish so I hope since they are only about 5 weeks old, that they can be gentled.
Making Napkins...
18 hours ago
Ohmygoodness! What a sweet find, especially for Mothers Day. I just hope the Humane Society can help place them! Precious little mom and kittens...makes your heart just melt! Hope your Mothers Dad was awesome!
aww, nothing like kittens to melt your heart!
They came to the right place. You know the humane society's rules and you also have the kindest heart in the world. Blessings to the little kittens and their mother and to you, too, Laurie. Hope you can do it.
Awww. I love these finds and at the same time I hate them. We have a few around our property, but my dogs thro such a fit when they see um, they scurry off. Sweet kittys. Happy Mothers day! Keri
Oh you are such a sweetie! Thank you for saving htem :-) They look adorable!
They are so sweet....I hope you can get them used to you!
We all need resqueing at times eh? We should be neighbors we could start a resque shelter.
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