Posing for a picture, Miss Daphne and son. I managed to re-capture her today. She still has one more baby outside, but she moved him alongside the house near my craft room. It's well protected where it's at, so I'm hoping tomorrow it will come into the cage to eat. I did just have a great experience though that really warmed my heart. I heard the one kitten purring, and turned in my computer chair to see Daphne and all 3 kittens sitting withing 2 feet of me, just staring. That's the closest she has come, and the first time she ventured from the other side of the room. Getting more acclimated, I'm hoping this is the first step toward trust.
It was so beautiful out today, I sat on my bench under the tree and did some embroidery, and listened to the birds and frogs. It was so peaceful, quiet, and serene, I haven't been that relaxed in a long time. How was your day?