I really need to get back to my sewing! I did this crazy quilt wall hanging a couple years back. I've done more, but they ended up as gifts. This one, of my grand-daughters, is still one of my favorites. I think when my sewing room is finished, I'll get back my inspiration, right now I feel kind of displaced, really need my quiet spot. I spend a bit of time next door at my nieces, and couldn't figure out why, when I come home, I get kind of depressed, like an ill feeling. I figured it out. When my husband is awake, he watches t.v., and never anything quiet or relaxing, always loud, terrible background music, violent shows where someone is always getting attacked or killed. You know, testosterone shows. I feel my jaw clench, the music makes me feel weird, and I want to run away screaming back to Robyn's, or when I have money, Hobby Lobby. With little left to do to complete my room, I can't wait to get in there, close the door, turn on my soothing music, and sew while looking out the window that overlooks my flower garden, although covered in snow right now,... What do you ladies do to relax and unwind? Where is your special little area that is all yours to do as you please? Do any of you have a retired husband that you'd like to kick to the curb sometimes, or at lease in the butt? :) Please, tell me I'm not the only one!!
Taking A New Class...
14 hours ago