Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Weeks End

Thank-you all for your concerns on how I have been feeling lately. I'm doing fine now, and relieved to be feeling better. It's been a long difficult week, we are preparing our family homestead for sale, and got it put on the market yesterday. Now comes the task of getting it in shape for showings. Sorting through 52 years of belongings, purging the needed, throw aways, and garage sale items, dealing with emotions, it's been a haul. It's amazing how much is accumulated over the years. My sisters, Mother, and myself are faring with it all, it's hard on Mom though, we know to be patient and help her through. It looks so strange to pull up to the house and see the Century 21 post sign in the front yard. But we all know it's for the best, and will be easier to do this now than later. Working on the upstairs is our priority for tomorrow, then we'll be all set for right now. The basement and garage are after that. So say a prayer, o.k.? We need all the help we can get, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually! Thanks!