Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


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Friday, February 13, 2009

I Crossed the Finish Line!

And am I pleased! Everything is now in its place, and easy to access. The window in the room overlooks my flower garden, so I wanted the theme of my room to reflect the outdoors. I love the birdhouse border, the blue on the walls is so bright and cheery. Ken bought me the butterfly cornices for the window, which look so pretty next to the hummingbird feeder and the little plants.
Now I have a space that is all mine, to retreat to that is perfect for relaxing with my many hobbies. All that is left to do is get new carpeting. I can't wait til tomorrow to start on my quilt projects! Right now, I'm putting my feet up!

Couldn't Wait!

Well I tried, I thought to myself, can you really feel creative if you don't finish your room? Do you think you can really sit down in here knowing you have things left to do? I answered myself, No. So I said to myself, what do you normally do at night? Well, I stay up till around 2, watch my sit coms to have a good laugh before bed. So, I continued my conversation with myself, why don't you paint your room? I answered myself, (yes I know I need therapy!) Good idea. It's 10:45 p.m., it shouldn't take long, so let's go for it. And I did. 3 hours later, I am done painting. I cleaned up the mess, and will put my border up tomorrow morning, get things organized, and Saturday I will be sewing. I can't wait! But right now I'm exhausted, I'm taking a shower, and going to bed. Good Morning!