Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Airport Security Problem Solved!

My sister sent me this e-mail, and I thought I would pass it along. If only it were this simple!

Here is a possible solution to all the controversy over full-body scanners at the airports. Have a booth that you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on you .
It would be a win-win for everyone, and there would be none of this crap about racial profiling, and this method would eliminate a long and expensive trial. Justice would be quick and swift. Case Closed!
This is so simple that it is brilliant. I can see it now: you are in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter, an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers... we now have a seat available on flight number..."

A Sparkly Find

When Ken pulled these from the back of a drawer on his Grandmother's sewing machine, I was really surprised. When I first saw them a couple years ago, they were really cloudy, and I thought they were for darning socks, so I never gave them a second glance. They cleaned up beautifully, and now we have etched glass salt and pepper shakers, I don't know how old they are. The sewing machine spent decades in the attic of the family homestead so I don't know their history either. All I know is they're really pretty. The one on the right still likes to cloud up when it completely dries. That I don't understand since it's crystal clear after soaking in ice water and baking soda. It was nice and bright here, but an hour later it was cloudy again.