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Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Babies are Home!

This week, I spent at my brothers, and picked up my baby chickens! I started out in the fall saying I would get 6 chickens. Then, it went to 9. When we placed our order, I ordered 10. Well, today I came home with 13! Twelve pullets, (baby hens,) and one cockerel (baby rooster). They took the 3 1/2 hour trip very well. When I got home, I found the coop window not finished, and the electricity not run, which really put me in a bind! So where are my babies? In the bath tub!
I have six different breeds, this little girl is a Golden Lace Wyandotte.
This is Bella, a Buff Orpington, roosting on the side of the box, their temporary home.
This little one is a New Hampshire Red, and will be a beautiful red color when all her feathers are in. I also have the same breed for my rooster! He'll be quite stunning!
The chick with the mottled face is a Silver Lace Wyandotte, and the little black ones in front of her are Barred Rocks.
Meet Precious. She is an Aracauna, also known as the Easter Egg chicken, as her eggs will be different colors and look like they've been dyed. She was the first one that caught my eye with her red feathers down her head, and her big eyes that look like they have eye liner on them. Tomorrow they will be able to go in their coop, Ken was on my bad list when I got home and couldn't put them in as planned!
Another good note, tonight I got to talk to Toby without him running, and after sitting outside on a log for almost an hour, talking to him, he finally approached me an allowed me to pet him, all then time with his purr I have missed so much, and eventually, was able to pick him up. I tried bringing him in the house, but he got scared a bolted when we were almost to the door. But the first hurdle has been jumped, now I know he'll be back in soon!
Now to start catching up on all of your blogs, that I've missed over the past few days!
It's good to be home, though I'd still love to move up there!