Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


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Thursday, October 8, 2009

It Was Funny at the Time,

Yes, so we all thought.  I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law along with my sisters a week ago .  I pulled up a chair and was talking to Wendy, when suddenly, the chair leg gave way and I went down to the floor, on my side. (Thank-you my friends for allowing me to feel comfortable enough to share this humiliation!)  Of course there were cameras handy to catch this moment, and as one who falls often, if there is a chance to capture my tumbles those chances are taken.  We were all laughing, after all I thought I wasn't hurt, and frankly, it was funny how it happened. One minute your sitting there in the middle of a conversation, and the next your on the floor.  Well, to make a long story short, for the past week the pain was getting progressively worse, so I went to the dr.  I had an x-ray done today to determine if there is a fracture in my shoulder, almost passed out and was in tears by the time I was done. I'm on drugs for swelling and pain.  I had to cancel our trip to Pat Winters embroidery class because I am totally unable to drive, I can't use my arm so I can't do any of my crafts, which is killing me. The pain is more than I can bear, and I'm going out of my mind.  Right now, my pain medication has kicked in enough that I can be on the computer for a few minutes, so am letting you know that I'm not ignoring any of you, it's just extremely uncomfortable to sit in this chair as it aggravates my shoulder and arm.  Please pray for me, I can't take this much longer!