On a day when this country has witnessed a true moment in history, I can't help but wonder, when does the battle end? Are families still divided; are friends still not speaking, is the battleground still bloodied with words of discontent, malice, anger, and the unbelievable disconnection caused by them? Are we ready to put our differences aside? Are we ready to embrace the moment, welcome our first African American president, without malice, discourse, and bitterness? Or are we going to allow the past 2 years, since this process began, to forever drive a deeper,and more permanent wedge? As Christians, are we going to rise up, face our fears, pray for our newly elected leaders, and give thanks to God for a new beginning, or are we going to continue to stew in our own bitterness, inhibit our spiritual growth, and blame one another for the outcome? Democrat or Republican, we are ALL Children of God. We now need to move on as Christians, the way our Saviour would want us. After all, he is the true "Commander and Chief", and He will be there with us every step of the way. It is our duty, to pray daily for our elected officials; for wisdom,faith and the courage to lead our nation effectively and in a way that is pleasing in His eyes. Please, it's time to start anew, time to come together again, and reunite as a nation, regardless of race, religion, or status. As my husband Ken said: "What they( our elected officials) do with this opportunity, and what we as a people do to support them and this country is to be seen. Let us not disappoint them, our country, or ourselves. "
Blessings to All,
5 hours ago