Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lucy Update

I want to thanks all of you for your concern and prayers for our little Lucy. I'm so excited to say that Lucy is improving! We just got back from seeing her, and were happily surprised to see how well she is doing. We got her to eat, she's been drinking water, and was so happy to see us. We were set up in one of the exam rooms where we could be with her undisturbed. She walked around the room, then layed down and took in all the attention. When we were ready to leave, she followed us out of the room. It broke our heart to leave her there, yet made our hearts happy to see her improving. So please keep her in your prayers. I'm so grateful for you, my dear blog friends, for your friendship, genuine concern, and your prayers. Thank-you, and bless all of you!