Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


I would love to know what you have to say! If you would like to leave a comment, at the end of every post is a link that says "comments" Click on this, write your comment. Then, if you don''t have a Google account, click on Name/URL. Type in your name, your URL is optional. Then just publish your comment! I can't wait to hear from YOU!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Well ladies I finally found it! The perfect TOPS chapter! I joined last week, it's an old school chapter, which is exactly what I was looking for. The ladies are wonderful, fun loving, and so supportive. Plus, I lost 5 and a quarter pounds this past week! I was so excited when I stepped on that scale. I went to my Dr. and got my goal slip, he wants me at 160. So I'm really going to put my best effort into this.

I found this picture of me, and couldn't believe what I was looking at! Is this really me!!? Yes it is, and take a good look now because my after pictures will be totally different. Of course here, it's evening and I'm not in my best attire, nor am I made up! But I'll show you anyway, that sad looking person is on her way out, to be replaced by the more healthy, beautiful woman within!

Monday, January 25, 2010

OWOH Time!

Yes it's One World One Heart, and I can't believe it's been a year already. I had such fun with this last year, that I decided to offer the same this year. A custom crazy quilt wall hanging, approximately 2 and a half foot square. I will make it with your favorite colors, any lace, trim, buttons, pins etc. that you may want added to it. Also, the winner will e-mail me 9 high quality photos that I will add to your hanging! I'll pick the winner with the number generator. I hope you enter, and good luck!

Be sure to click the above logo to see all the other great entries in this years OWOH!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dear Colleen, and All My Blog Friends

It's been almost five years since my fathers death. And just a couple weeks ago, our dear blog friend Colleen lost her brother. She stated once in her blog that she hoped her brother heard what she said to him, and I want to reassure her, and all others who spoke to a loved one before they passed, that he and they, did. I know, because when Dad died, members of our family went in to speak to him individually. After everyone finished, Mom went in to spend his last moments with him in private, and spoke into my fathers ear. As learned in hospice, hearing is the last sense to leave. This is how Mom spent those final moments.

She talked to Dad about the special moments they spent together. One thing they did in the evenings was sit on the swing overlooking his gardens, his pride and joy, and discuss the days events. Mom told Dad when he reaches Heaven, to build a special swing so they could once again sit together when she too arrives. After saying her good-byes, Mom recited the Apostles Creed, and the Lord's Prayer to him. When finished, she spoke to him and our God, saying, "Father, now let your servant depart in peace." It was at that moment, with my mother's permission, my father took his last breath, and left for Home.
So yes, Colleen, your brother heard every word you said. And took those words of love with him.
In the hospice care booklet, is this prose by Henry VanDyke. It brought much comfort to our family, as I hope it does you, Colleen, and all who have lost a loved one.

"I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!”
“Gone where?”
Gone from my sight. That is all.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout:
“Here she comes!”
And that is dying."
Henry Van Dyke

God Bless All of You,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Susan Boyle On Oprah Today!!

I'm sure all of you by now have heard of or heard Susan Boyle. I have been captivated by her the since first time I saw her audition for "Britain's Got Talent" on You Tube. Her voice is so amazing. I have her cd, and play it constantly, as she is so addictive. If you haven't heard her sing, check her out on You Tube. If you haven't got her cd, buy it, it'll be the greatest lifts and gifts you can give yourself. From the first note of "Wild Horses" to her rendition of "Amazing Grace", the most fabulous "I Dreamed a Dream" the sultry "Cry Me a River", and the song written just for her life experience, "I Was Meant to Be", to name a few, I love every one of the songs on her album! Treat yourself if you haven't already, and if you have, let me know what you think! But be sure to catch her on "Oprah" today!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

One More Bag and the Days Observances

I thought I was done with sewing bags, then I went into Joanne's to get some trims, and saw this lady bug fabric. I love them, and couldn't turn down buying some, here is my last purse for a while, maybe, well probably not, after all one can never have too many...

Then yesterday morning I had a doctor appointment for my foot, I woke up about 8 days ago and swore I broke it, wasn't getting better and found out I have gout. but anyway, on the way home I saw this on a church billboard, and with the comment made by Mr. Pat Robertson that Haiti made a deal with the devil and deserved the earth quake, I thought it quite appropriate. How he could look at the devastation, see the tears, children's faces, and say such a thing has me floored.

And then I see my adorable niece Jenna, who makes life joyful, showing off some stylish head wear, her favorite hat and a neck pillow,and I smile again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another Bag, A Visit to TOPS

Well this bag didn't last long! I finished it before I went to my meeting, and my niece snatched it up when I got home! So I had it the total of one hour! Don't blame her though since it matches a black and white dress she has perfectly. I have lots more fabric, and found the cutest fabric at Joanne's to make another one.
The TOPS meeting was a disappointment since it was more of a social club than anything else. All the things that motivate, and make this organization work have been removed by vote from it's members. There are a couple more in town that I'll try while finding a meeting place to open my own. While talking to the area captain after the meeting, who runs a chapter the way it's supposed to be, the members lagging behind acted like I was going to rock their boat, which is not my intent. So upward and onward! I know the interim chapter is out there! Thanks again everyone! You Rock!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

If you're looking to be happy, don't read

I haven't been on for quite a while now, and haven't wanted to because I have had nothing pleasant to say. So if you don't want to be depressed, this may not be the post for you.
I've had some major problems lately with trying to stay upbeat and positive. As you know if you've read in the past, I went vegan, to try and bring my diabetes under control. I thought it was working. Til I went for my blood test results. My doctor sternly told me to stop, showing my numbers to back up all he said. Yes, nothing changed and the things that did were for the worse. I feel defeated. I'm on my last chance to improve, I have 3 weeks left then it's insulin. The way my glucose is going, it's inevitable. I ask myself everyday through tears, if I'm that afraid of failing health, and dying from this disease, why am I still continuing in the same destructive pattern? Why do I give in to the temptations? Why when I should be exercising am I turning into the proverbial couch potato? I don't know the answers. I watch programs on weight loss, where people have such great support systems. I have none. Not my husband, family members, or friends, which I only have 1 of. She's a psychologist, and I'm not going to burden her with my problems after the day to day routine of her job. I've found support systems can't be forced, it's a natural trait of those that truly want to be there for you. I know all the answers, the rules; I founded several chapters in the past of T.O.P.S., (Take off Pounds Sensibly,) and can help others lose. But not myself. I guess there has to be some kind of inner love that motivates one. I don't have it. You'd think my husband, who's neck high in my medical bills, would be supportive. But let's just say, without getting into our personal life, that that's not going to happen. I couldn't get him to walk with me if either of our lives depended on it, which actually mine does. I feel alone, deserted, desperate, and so depressed and scared. So this is why I haven't been here lately. I knew the next time I posted it wouldn't be for fun. This is my life right now, and I'm just plain tired.
I won't burden any of you, my dear friends, with this anymore. My posts from now on will be only when I can muster up something to be happy about. Right now, there is just nothing.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year to all of you, my special blog family!! I hope you had a great time, and that this year brings each of you many blessings and happy moments.