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Monday, June 1, 2020

One Nation, Under God

Our world and our country are in such a state of disrepair right now.
Covid-19, racial injustice, overwhelming disconnect in our political
structure. Protests, violence, right versus left;
when will it all end?
What we have going for us though, We live in one nation,
under God. The eagle stand tall for our country, our freedom,
peace, strength, and faith that we will survive this too.
with God as our guide and shepherd. 
Let us continue to pray for healing physically
and emotionally as we move forward during such
trying times with faith, grace, and love for all regardless of
race, political affiliation and conflicting viewpoints.
We are all in this together.
Blessings and love to all.

1 comment:

Marilyn Miller said...

Yes, we are indeed all in it together.
Love only will heal.
Definitely check out elderberry/flower plants, the fragrance alone is just wonderful. Here it can be found growing wild along some country roads, but I have two plants in my garden.