Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Different Kind of Fostering

Life has taken turns since I was last on.  Ken and I began to foster dogs, as we couldn't see having more but wanted to help the ones awaiting homes through foster care.  Well, we took in several, and I'll tell you it is hard letting them go, you can't help become attached.  But.......
 As you can see, three have become adopted, by us!  Halo is a senior beagle mix the no one else wanted.  So we adopted her.  What a love!  From not being able to barely stand, to an active playful pup again!
 Our little Peanut, or Puddles as Ken calls her, came from Animal Control.  She was found wondering in the country.  She has one eye, which has a cataract. so she is blind.  She also can't hear, and has only two back teeth.  If I hadn't picked her up through Michigan Animal Crew, she would have been euthanized.  After all, who would want a dog figured to be at least 15 that is deaf and blind.  Well we did!
And lastly, George.  George came from a hoard in Cotterville twp.  He is a purebred Norbottenspetz, a rare dog originating in Sweden and Finland. He was one of over 100 dogs running free in a house, living in their own filth.  We fostered him, and because of his barking issues, no one wanted him.  We fell in love with him.  He still has his issues, which we are working on, but he is ours, and no one will ever neglect him again.  So you can see, our "no more dogs" rule, didn't work out that way!!!

1 comment:

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

once a dog lover, always a dog lover. After we were down to one dog, my husband said no more dogs too. Well in came the Boxer and then came the Boxer/Pit mix who was a pup with his mom living in the woods. They are such a big part of our family. I gotta tell you, it's hard to see pics in the paper of pooches in doggy jail and not to go get another or two.

Congrats to you and your husband for having such loving hearts.
xx, Carol