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Monday, August 17, 2015

The Little Colonel

 When we were growing up, we had a book case upstairs that had so many books,
many of them quite old.  We never ran out of interesting and good  books to read.
Though it sat in that book case for years, I never picked this one up.
Published in 1922, "The Little Colonel" never interested me as a child.
But over the last few days, I finally picked it up.
A fast read, I found it quite fascinating that in those days,
there was no filter, like there is now, on socially accepted
terms especially for those of different races.  Words today
that raise many an eyebrow, were totally acceptable.  I loved
the book and the lesson behind it.  I just had to realize those
names were normal back then.
I had recently read something that stated when you read a book,
memorize one line to heart, that summarizes the plot. 
I had no trouble recognizing that line, and as soon as I 
read, I memorized it.  The story is about forgiveness, a father
who tosses his daughter out of his life for her choice in
a husband, a yankee.  Lloyd, his grand daughter looks at
a picture of her grandmother, then small, and exclaims,
"Then I just know that if my beautiful grand mother could come down out
of that frame, she'd go straight and put her arms around
my mother and kiss away all her sorry feelings."
I take this book to heart, and when I have those feelings 
where I find it hard to forgive, I'll remember the words
of the Little Colonel.  And forgive.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Hi Laurie
At sometime in her life, my mother must have been an avid reader. I remember finding books by Louisa May Alcott and other authors whose name escapes me right now. I never saw my mother ever read except the news paper. But I was an avid reader and read everything I could. It was my escape from a not so nice childhood. The Librarian was my friend. My grandkids ask me all the time why I spell so well and why my vocabulary is so large. I always remind them that reading expands your world. They are 18 and 20. I never see them read a book but they read a lot of articles they find on the internet.

I like the sentence you memorized. It's a very touching thought.
xx, Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie! You know what? This was made into a Shirley Temple movie when she was really little! If you get a chance to see it, do. I know what you mean. I heard a few years ago they had banned Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn books from school libraries because of some of the racial terms! I don't know why folks just can't read the books, listen to the stories and just know it was a different time. Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Algodão Tão Doce said...

Olá amiga, passei por aqui para desejar-lhe um abençoado final de semana.
Amo livros também...são edificantes, amplia o nosso pensar...amo!!!Linda postagem, linda inspiração!

Doce abraço Marie.

Kathy said...

I remember that book, too. I don't think I read it either 0r read it and forgot? Sometimers - LOL