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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mom Update

The last two weeks have been crazy! Mom is now in U of M hospital in Ann Arbor, MI. My sisters have been back and forth, getting updates from the many drs. and specialists that have gone in and out of her room. Originally, we were told Mom's surgery would be on Saturday, but we don't know where the misinformation came from, as there is so much preparation for this rare surgery. Scopes, electrocardiograms, catscans, etc. have been keeping Mom and her team busy. Yesterday, she finally got the ok for surgery, tomorrow. We will know a more certain time this evening. So please continue the prayers, it will be so good to have this over and Mom home again.
Bless You,
Surgery is scheduled for 9 a.m., had to change from non-evasive. Please heap on some extra prayers, not an easy surgery.


Diane said...

I'll keep you all in my prayers. Diane

Pearl said...

I'll keep on praying Laurie you all hang in there!

Kim said...

I will say prayers for the surgeons and medical team in addition to your family.

Mosaic Magpie said...

She must be in surgery as I am writing.....praying for all of you and especially the doctors. May their hands be guided.