Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


I would love to know what you have to say! If you would like to leave a comment, at the end of every post is a link that says "comments" Click on this, write your comment. Then, if you don''t have a Google account, click on Name/URL. Type in your name, your URL is optional. Then just publish your comment! I can't wait to hear from YOU!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

MmmmmMmmmmmGramcrackers for Preston!

Something this cute needs to be shared! Our little Preston is growing so fast!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Ahhh finally! Mid winter break and a four day get-away up north with my siblings. Or so I thought! Friday night we arrive, ready for some laughter, good food, and great yet hysterical conversation. SIL Cheryl had to work, but when she came home she told of the Winter Storm Warning. What!!?? Where did this come from! So the decision was made, that Sunday morning we would have to leave to beat the snow. Talk about a total disappointment! So at noon, we departed with a broken heart. Ten minutes after getting in the door, we were greeted with a worse snow storm than last weeks. And this morning, this is what we woke up to.

Home safe, yes. But so disappointed our four day vacation was so abruptly cut short. And just when we were having the most fun, relaxing, cozy in front of the fire time. Oh well, I'm heading back up as soon as I can!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prayers Needed for Deena

I have mentioned many times on my blog, about a dear friend Deena who has been battling cancer for several years now. She has had so many ups and downs, highs and lows. It's Deena that I honored with the Valentine Exchange.
Deena is not doing well, has had another MRI and is awaiting results. Please, if you haven't visited her, pop over and let her know she is in your prayers. My heart is breaking for her, she just wants to feel well again. Thank-you.

A Great Give-Away !

Pam Kellog is a very special lady with amazing talent. Her, and her mother, have a wonderful boutique featuring so many pretty, hand made designs. Pam Kellogs Handmade Cottage Boutique
is having a give away, one of her crazy quilted cats! Be sure to pop on over, and enter to win, and be sure to visit her Etsy Shop!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life Moves On

Where does time go? My grand daughter Tara went to her first formal Saturday night. She looked stunning. My son couldn't help but shed a few tears and get choked up when he saw her walk down the stairs. The song, "Sunrise, Sunset" keeps playing through my mind, and brings tears to my own eyes whenever I walk past Tara's picture the day she was born, me rocking her in my arms. Tara you are true beauty, inside and out. God Bless You Baby Girl.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Devils & Angels

Family Feud has offered some funny moments, and this is one of many on You Tube.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine for Exchange

The Valentine Exchange is over, and I'm so pleased with the number of ladies that participated. I've seen a couple of their creations, and would love to see more, if you did join in could you put pictures on your blog? I'd love to see what you made, and what your received!
This is the Valentine I created, it's on its way to it's recipient. Thanks to all who joined in, I'll be doing this again at Christmas. What fun!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

He May Be A Squirrel...

But he's my squirrel! I say this because where we live, we don't have squirrels. Not within a half mile radius. I don't know why they choose not to nest on our property, but occasionally, one will grace us with its presence! Today was one of those days. I was so excited to look out at the feeders and see this plump red squirrel emptying out the feeder. I know they're pesky little creatures, but when you never see them, you miss them! Sort of like seeing a rare bird, this little guy is rare to me, and I welcome him (or her) for as long as he (or him) would like to stay!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Digging Out

The snow came down heavy and hard all night, and with the wind, everything was a big drift this morning.
Ken is outside with the plow he made for the lawn tractor, uncovering the path to Robyn's so I can go over for a nice hot cup of coffee, and girl talk with her and my sister who is snowed in. OK, this is enough now, I'm ready and waiting for spring. I don't know what the verdict was as far as our ground hog friend Phil is concerned, but I'll go on with my wishful thinking and dreaming!