My great nephews are starting to lose their teeth, and unbeknown to Robyn, Jacob put a tooth under his pillow, and was devastated this morning when he found the "tooth fairy" didn't visit him during the night. So I took some little paper mache' boxes I found at the dollar store, made a tooth fairy box to put under his pillow tonight, and am doing 2 more for the other boys. I have to make some for my great nieces also. Just use scraps of fabric, cotton ball pulled apart to puff up the top and put in the bottom, and trim. Fabric glue is all you need to hold them together. The boys love it!
Laurie, the tooth fairy boxes are beautiful!
Sweet little boxes. I hope they save they because they're little heirlooms.
How cute! I know my students love the little tooth shaped containers I put their teeth in. My girls had tooth pillows to put theirs in.
Your tooth fairy boxes are so sweet. It jogged my memory... I use to make them eons ago....I wonder if i kept a picture then.?!
When I little my tooth would just go under my pillow!!! My how things change!! hee hee
waving from freezing cold,snowy, southern ontario, canada!
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