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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Love Comes in Many Ways

As I sit here at 2 in the morning with my cat on my shoulder, (his look-out post whenever I'm on the computer, I can't help but wonder what attracts some of us to creatures like this, and others to turn their heads in disgust. What makes him so beautiful to me, and so repulsive to others? I adopted Andy from the humane society because I felt so sorry for him. Part Sphinx, he was picked on by people coming in to look at the kittens, laughed at and ridiculed. He just sat in the cage, only 8 weeks old at the time, and you could see the sadness in his eyes. No one wanted to hold him or pet him. Why didn't anyone want him? What was so repulsive that couldn't be looked at as unique and beautiful? I had to take him home. Andy is one of my greatest joys. I wouldn't trade him for anything. He is the most affectionate creature, loving, more like a dog than a cat, he has to be with me all the time. He sleeps under my covers curled up by my chest, even follows me into the bathroom, and loves to play with the dogs. Andy is the ideal cat. He can perch on my shoulder anytime he wants. It wouldn't seem right if he didn't.


Pearl said...

I love that story, if there were no animals in this world? I would be lost. They give us unconditional love, like God. They can guide us through life.

AverettLadyNana said...

You are so right,,,animals know what people are saying and thinking about them. I think he's beautiful and thankful he has a good and loving home.

Marilyn Miller said...

You just have to love him. What a special cat!

marianne said...

What a special kitty and what a special kitty-mommy you are.

Anonymous said...

spare me..... you'll find anyway to make me look at this cat!!!!!