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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Holiday Spirit?

I was watching the news this evening, totally appalled at the behavior of people on Black Friday. A 34 year old man opening the doors at a Wal-Mart is trampled to death. A co-worker injured trying to assist, trampled also. Then the story switches to a mall south of us, with people fighting, swearing, acting like rabid dogs going for the kill. One woman the reporter interviewed said, "you do what you gotta do." The reporter then says, "the holiday spirit is truly alive." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Pardon me, but I was under the impression this Holy day was because a child was born that would save us. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." When did that change? When did it become so tragic that taking someones life to get an early bird special became nothing? That fighting your way to a display to grab a gift from someones hands became acceptable behavior? Mob scenes are just a part of the shopping routine, and a matter of life or death?
This Christmas season, let's take time to reflect on the true meaning, the true spirit, and the true love God gave for all of us, and pray for those who just don't get it.


Diane said...


I heard someone say on a "news" channel this morning that the children are going to talk to Santa and asking for their Daddy to have a job or their mommy to have groceries. And the parents are knocking each other down for Wis.??????? What's going on with these grownups?

Diane said...

Laurie, Where did you find that picture of the yellow angel and stars?

Pearl said...

Amen! Well said "Sista"