Welcome to Tails From the Dog House!

Thank-you for coming to visit! I'll share with you the daily ins and outs of my life, my little family, special fur kids, and humor that I find in daily life. I hope you come back often!


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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Discovering New Talents

Those who have read my blog in the past, know of my brother, Jay.
He is a wonderful artist who teaches Native American skills.
During one of his MOSS weeks in 2012, he taught how to make 
these birch containers.Jay does the most beautiful etchings on his,
 but I just couldn't get up the courage to try.  Through my art group, I have
been building up my confidence and decided to give it a try.
So I picked mine up, grabbed an awl and went to it.
No way as beautiful as his art work, but I'm pretty pleased for 
my first try.