Marilyn asked our favorite summer memories, and I thought I would share one of mine with you.
When we were growing up, we had several apple trees in our yard. Three or four lined our driveway, all which had the tastiest apples. We loved them green, and waited til they were just the right size to pick. My siblings and I would find the perfect apples, and grab the salt shakers and sit on the front porch steps, and devour them one right after the other. We totally ignored our mother's warning that if we ate more than a couple we would get a belly ache. I don't recall that ever happening! We also had a rhubarb patch that we would pick from, and sit on the wood pile with either a bowl of sugar or salt, depending on which we were in the mood for, and eat to our hearts content. Along with the pear tree we were set for fruit for our school lunches. But the one I really loved was the neighbors cherry tree that hung over our garage roof. We would climb my father's ham radio tour, and sit on the roof to tan, and eat our fill of the best cherries. I miss those days, and would give anything to sit on the porch steps or the garage roof again, and bask in the memories of a warm summer day.
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